Thursday, September 2, 2010

My favourite short story from our unit.

Responding to the essential question:  What makes a good story?

When choosing a favourite I decided to choose the story that had the most emotional impact for me.  The Sniper wasn't a new story for me because I had read it before, but this time it meant so much more.  In looking at the history of Ireland and seeing how cause and effect related to the Irish Civil war I was so interested in really understanding why it came to be that brother fought brother in Ireland during that war when I had always thought that England was just Ireland's enemy.  The effect of the sniper learning that his enemy was his brother was more profound for me this time.  I was so impressed with O'Flaherty's use of suspense in the rising action and shock at the end of the story to get his message across.

I also loved seeing you guys pretend to shoot each other in our history activity we did with Ms. Snively's class.